5 things to do In Venice

Ah Venice. Winding streets, lined with canals and gondolas, pizza shops and gelato, and beautiful glass work.

Venice was one of my favorite cities from my travels this year, and I decided to relive the fun by putting a list together for you to enjoy! Venice is ranked as one of the safest places to go as a solo traveler, and walking through the streets I felt pretty safe! (I didn’t go out on my own at night though, only during the afternoon while my friends napped and I had to have more gelato.)

  1. Wander

Honestly Venice is said to be the city you actually WANT to get lost in. And trust me, that’s not very hard to do. But make sure you have a map app like Maps.me or google maps to help you find your way back to where you’re staying.


2. Gondola Rides/Water Taxi

I didn’t get to try out a gondola, but my friends and I did catch a water taxi for pretty cheap, it was a nice way to see the city and relax on the water.

3. Watch the sunset from the main canal.

The sunsets in Venice are amazing, you can eat by the water, or drink a spritz while watching the sun turn bright orange and sink down.


4. Eat Gelato

My cousin studied abroad in Italy this semester and told me that the best gelato isn’t the stuff that has long lines, we found some amazing gelato that didn’t have anything piled up high, and it tasted amazing. (I think I might still be in a gelato coma??)


5. Bridges

Seeing Bridge of Sighs was pretty neat, and so was walking along the Rialto Bridge.


Have you ever visited Venice? What did you like the most about the city? One of my favorite things was spending the night talking with friends and catching up on our days. Did I mention that I also really loved the 5 cones of gelato I had? I even used up my last two euros to buy some at the airport. Oops!


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