Bright White Wisconsin

While the state of Wisconsin spent the month of December in weather that is warmer than normal, January followed in with a blast of reality and weather that left me not wanting to leave the house unless it was an absolute emergency. While near the end of my winter break I had some errands to do, the weather wasn’t so bad and my mom and I decided to venture out on a hike up the mountain. At the very peak is the ski lifts where they make the snow for the runs which resulted in these photos that were just too pretty to not share! 

Snow USA


I hope that whatever weather you’re experiencing right now is good! I hope you enjoyed this post, I didn’t retouch any of these photos and I think they’re lovely! Hope you’re having a great week! Do you have any big plans? What are your favorite activities to do lately? 
As always, thanks for reading and commenting! Make sure to follow my instagram or twitter

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  1. Love this so much, it's so beautiful! We've barely had winter weather this year tbh, it's been months since it last rained and snow is something that never happens in my town so yeah haha
    Anna x


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