Study Abroad Series: Goals

By now you would have read this post and you will have read that I am going to be studying abroad (I leave in 2 months!) and while there is a lot to do until the moment I step onto that airplane, I thought I would start a study abroad series, as I will be there …

Feelin 22

For some reason, I’ve been having a hard time writing this post. Not because turning 22 is scary, or that I’m avoiding it. Just because, I really don’t know how to write this post. I could write a list of things I’ve learned in the past year. I could write an entire post to summarize going …

Tips for Motivation

LinkLet’s face it. It can be really hard to stay motivated. I have days where I just cannot seem bothered to move from the futon, or get dressed into anything other than a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. I was having a conversation not too long ago about how to stay motivated to get …